Free Chess Lessons
We have a number of free chess lessons. These are meant as video accompaniments to what we do in our person programs. For some lessons, it's a video version of the lesson, and for others, they might have additional practice exercises.
How to play chess part 1: piece movement (except kings)
How to play chess part 2: kings, check, castling, and checkmate
How to play chess part 3: check, checkmate, and stalemate
How to play chess part 4: ladder checkmate
How to play chess part 5: piece values
How to play chess part 6: winning a won endgame
How to play chess part 7: opening principles
How to play chess part 8: Greco's great opening
How to play chess part 9: four move checkmate
How to play chess part 10: king and queen checkmate
How to play chess part 11: forks
How to play chess part 12: f-pawn positioning
Intermediate lessons: