10 Years of Chess with Coach Brent!
Coach Brent has taught thousands and thousands of students chess with us over the last ten years in Maryland, Virginia, DC, and online. He has a deep love and understanding of chess, and uses it to inspire those same feelings in his students.

Beyond his teaching, Brent has been an extremely active tournament director, running over 100 tournaments with us, with MD Chess, and with the US Chess Federation. He’s helped run a bunch of Maryland State Tournaments, Nationals, and the Denker Tournament of Champions. He’s also involved in running MD Chess, and has been an active board member for a number of years.
What have families said about Brent over the years?
- …my child LOVED the class and looked forward to it each week! (club at Bannockburn ES)
- (My daughter’s) chess game improved so much during this class session. (club at Chevy Chase ES)
- He loved everything! The ladder made it competitive. He liked the lessons bc it helped him get better. (club at Bannockburn ES)
- My daughter enjoyed the opportunity to play chess with peers, she learned at home with her dad two years ago and we are grateful to have such a convenient opportunity for a club after school, thank you! (club at Chevy Chase ES)
- My daughter learned so much in chess! She has told me some tips I didn't know, and I love that she is able to expand her knowledge. (club at Ashburton ES)
- My son has the confidence to play with adult and kids. He plays every day at home. Thanks for a wonderful way to learn and have fun at the same time. (club at Garrett Park ES)
- My daughter is really excited about chess after this week at camp. Thank you! For all you did for her. (camp at Harriet Tubman Cultural Center)
- My boys were always excited to attend chess club. (club at Little Flower School)
- My daughter loves chess club! She's done it since Kindergarten and enjoys learning. (club at Ashburton ES)
- The chess club was great (club at Holy Cross School)
- They loved playing and hated losing lol (camp at Bullis School)
- (My son) really liked learning new approaches to starting the game, planning ahead, and techniques to capture pieces. He also mentioned thinking about what pieces are valuable to him - so developing a strategic lens. (club at Little Flower School)
- We were very happy with our chess club experience! Our son learned a lot and loved playing chess after school with his friends! (club at St. Andrew the Apostle)
- Everything was great! We’re already signed up for chess club at school! (camp at Harriet Tubman Cultural Center)
- My child absolutely loves his Chess Club. They have taught him well! He loves to play chess and looks forward to his club every week. (club at Bannockburn ES)
- Matthew absolutely loved chess club. He learned quite a lot and enjoyed challenging his friends in matches. (club at St. Andrew the Apostle)
- He loved the teachers and ability to learn new strategies. (camp at Bullis School)
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