5 Reasons to be Excited About Yasser Seirwan's Visit

On Wednesday, 1/26 from 5pm-5:45pm, grandmaster Yasser Seirwan is going to be visiting our club!  He's going to teach a lesson on a "funny" game he played and answer questions from our students.

Here are five reasons to be excited: 

  1. Within a year of learning to play, he became a Washington State junior champion.
  2. Later, he won a World Junior Championship.
  3. Even later, he won 4 US Championships!
  4. He's written many excellent books and Chessable courses for all levels. Try Winning Chess Tactics!
  5. He's funny!  There's a reason he's one of the very most popular commentators and broadcasters.

This lesson is included for all current Silver Knights Students, so keep an eye on your email if you're signed up with us now!  If not: join the online club!

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